Monday, October 8, 2012

24 Hours: Dates at Home that Rock | Smart Mom Style

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Sometimes getting out for a date with your spouse or spending the night away just isn?t possible or financially feasible, so why not plan ahead and send the kids to bed a little early or trade favors with friends and do a sleepover and have a budget-friendly evening at home!

All relationships need nurturing, so even if you can?t go all out and leave the house, it?s important to figure out a way to do it at home and prioritize your relationship. Those years with young children underfoot can wreak havoc on your relationship and reconnecting is necessary. Below you?ll find some ideas to get you moving in the right direction.

Candlelight Fondue Dinner

Fondue pots are pretty affordable these days. Google a few recipes for a good broth and chocolate to make a whole meal out of it or simply do the chocolate and wine portion.

Fondue is a great way to linger over a meal while having conversation. Add some candlelight to tap into the romance element of the evening and you?ll have what you need to enjoy a lovely evening.

Raclette Meal and Conversation

The Raclette is a pricey investment at the start ($130 on average), but if you?re looking to do regular dates at home, then it will get its money?s worth.

The raclette meal is a great way to again, linger over your meal, chat, sip wine and enjoy each other?s company. You prepare your food as you go and it?s a slow process, so it?s perfect for quality time. Add those candles in the mix, too, for ambiance.

Game Night with Spice

If you and your spouse are naturally competitive (in a fun and good natured way!) then set up game night with spice. You can go for the simple strip poker (don?t forget to draw the blinds!) or try out some of the new games they have out for couples ? there are many that come with question and answer formats to just plain competition. Definitely a way to bring in some fun for an evening.

Wine by the Fire

If you just want to keep it simple, then build a fire out back, pop open a bottle of wine and snuggle up on the same bench seat while you chat, catch up on the week or just sit in silence. Sometimes, just being together is all you need.

Relationships can quickly become distant when you don?t find the time to be together in a quality way ? so make dating your spouse a priority. Even if you don?t have a lot of money, it?s possible to ?date? at home.

What are your favorite ways to reconnect with your spouse??

Image via Flickr praktycnyz

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