Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Myuniverse -Online Tool for Personal Financial Management

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Personal financial management begins with the management of cash flow. It is good to have financial goals and plans in place but it may not work if our monthly expense exceeds our income. So it is essential to keep track of money & take appropriate action time to time to keep cash flow in order. Managing finance also includes keeping track of existing investment and planning for future.

Many people try to track cash flow manually by doing paperwork or to maintain spreadsheet is sometime tedious and time consuming?activity. To help you in managing your finance in better manner Aditya Birla?has launched online tool for personal financial management called as Myuniverse.

Looking at first instance it seems to be copy of similar tool mint.com available for the people of USA and Canada. Mint.com is free tool but Myuniverse?is paid product costing 500 Rs/- per year.Currently company is offering 30 days free subscription for this product.

Let?s check out some features provided by MyUniverse for helping you in managing your finance. MyUniverse?allows users to get a sense of their expenditure and track the area where they are spending the most.

Consolidated view of your Finance:-

MyUniverse?aggregate your data and give you a comprehensive picture of your financial status, you can browse through credit card bills, debit card expenses, loans, mutual funds, FDs, or just about any other financial instrument. This unique feature enables you to understand your financial health and empowers you to make better decisions. So you can plan for a better tomorrow.

You can also add your physical assets such as gold and jewelry, real estate and offline investments to the list. MyUniverse?allows you to not only consolidate all your offline investments but also enables you to track their performance. This unique feature allows you to know your true total networth on any given day.

Analysis & Advice:-

Apart from analysis of your income, expense and investment you can get customized advice from MyUniverse?as it gathers information about all your investments, their performance, your risk profile and your cash flow. Based on a unique advisory rules engine, the system automatically generates advice which is unbiased and specific to your financial profile.?

Pay Bills:-

MyUniverse?can organize your bills at one place. You can add your bills through a few clicks and track them easily. This easy-to-use and convenient feature allows you to pay your bills with simple transactions on one screen.

Tax Planning:-

You can now find out how much tax you need to pay and how much you can save. You will get complete information on how to optimize your tax liabilities and suggestions on where to invest that well-saved money.

I have tried exploring this product by taking demo and it works fine. It captures all minute details of your finances and arranged it in user friendly format. Linking with external accounts for data gathering is excellent. It?s worth looking at MyUniverse?product once. It is even safe as MyUniverse?uses VeriSign?s robust SSL encryption technology to secure your data. Your account data is stored and transmitted in an encrypted format at all times.

Overall Myuniverse is good Tool for Personal Financial Management

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Myuniverse Online Tool for Personal Financial Management, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

Source: http://strategic-growth.in/finance/index.php/myuniverse-personal-financial-management/

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