Friday, February 22, 2013

Obama weighs stepping in on gay marriage case

FILE - In this Feb. 15, 2013 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks in Chicago. The Obama administration is quietly considering urging the Supreme Court to overturn California?s ban on gay marriage, a step that could be a major political victory for advocates of same-sex unions. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 15, 2013 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks in Chicago. The Obama administration is quietly considering urging the Supreme Court to overturn California?s ban on gay marriage, a step that could be a major political victory for advocates of same-sex unions. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, File)

FILE - This Sept. 6, 2011 file photo shows a man walking past a group of people protesting against gay marriage outside a courtroom where the California Supreme Court was hearing arguments in San Francisco. The Obama administration is quietly considering urging the Supreme Court to overturn California?s ban on gay marriage, a step that could be a major political victory for advocates of same-sex unions. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Facing heightened expectations from gay rights supporters, the Obama administration is considering urging the Supreme Court to overturn California's ban on gay marriage ? a move that could have a far-reaching impact on same-sex couples across the country.

The administration has one week to file a friend-of-the-court brief with the justices outlining its opinion on the California ban, known as Proposition 8. While an administration brief alone is unlikely to sway the high court, the government's opinion does carry weight with the justices.

Opponents of the Proposition 8 ban believe the president signaled his intention to file a brief when he declared in last month's inaugural address that gays and lesbians must be "treated like anyone else under the law." An administration official said Obama ? a former constitutional law professor ? was not foreshadowing any legal action in his remarks and was simply restating his personal belief in the right of gays and lesbians to marry, though the official said the administration was considering filing a brief.

The Proposition 8 ballot initiative was approved by California voters in 2008 in response to a state Supreme Court decision that had allowed gay marriage. Twenty-nine other states have constitutional amendments banning gay marriage, while nine states and Washington, D.C., recognize same-sex marriage.

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli is consulting with the White House on the matter, according to a senior administration official, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to address the private deliberations publicly.

While the Justice Department would make the filing, the president is almost certain to make the ultimate decision on whether to do so.

"I have to make sure that I'm not interjecting myself too much into this process, particularly when we're not a party to the case," Obama said Wednesday in an interview with San Francisco's KGO-TV.

He said his personal view was that gay couples should have the same rights as straight couples and said his administration would do whatever it could to promote that principle.

Obama has a complicated history on gay marriage. As a presidential candidate in 2008, he opposed the California ban but didn't endorse gay marriage. As he ran for re-election last year, he announced his personal support for same-sex marriage but said marriage was an issue that should be decided by the states, not the federal government.

To some, Obama's broad call for gay rights during his Jan. 21 inaugural address was a sign that he now sees a federal role in defining marriage.

"Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law," Obama said during his remarks on the west front of the Capitol. "For if we are truly created equal, than surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well."

Seeking to capitalize on growing public support for gay marriage, advocates are calling on the administration to file a broad brief not only asking the court to declare California's ban unconstitutional but also urging the justices to make all state bans illegal.

"If they do make that argument and the court accepts it, the ramifications could be very sweeping," said Richard Socarides, an attorney and advocate.

The administration could also file a narrower brief that would ask the court to issue a decision applying only to California. Or it could decide not to weigh in on the case at all.

The Supreme Court, which will take up the case on March 26, has several options for its eventual ruling. Among them:

? Uphold the state ban on gay marriage and say citizens of a state have the right to make that call.

? Endorse an appeals court ruling that would make same-sex marriage legal in California but apply only to that state.

? Issue a broader ruling that would apply to California and seven other states: Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon and Rhode Island. In those states, gay couples may join in civil unions that have all the benefits of marriage but may not be married.

? Rule that the Constitution forbids states from banning same-sex unions.

For weeks, supporters and opponents of Proposition 8 have been lobbying the administration to side with them.

Last month, Theodore Olson and David Boies, lawyers arguing for gay marriage, met with Verrilli and other government lawyers to urge the administration to file a brief in the case. A few days later, Charles Cooper, the lawyer defending Proposition 8, met with the solicitor general to ask the government to stay out of the case. Those kinds of meetings are typical in a high court case when the government is not a party and is not asked by the court to make its views known.

Boies and Chad Griffin, president of the advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, also had a meeting at the White House on the case.

Ahead of next week's deadline, nearly two dozen states have filed briefs with the court asking the justices to uphold the California measure.

Public opinion has shifted in support of gay marriage in recent years. In May 2008, Gallup found that 56 percent of Americans felt same-sex marriages should not be recognized by the law as valid. By November 2012, 53 percent felt they should be legally recognized.

One day after the court hears the California case, the justices will hear arguments on another gay marriage case, this one involving provisions of the federal Defense of Marriage Act. The act defines marriage as between a man and a woman for the purpose of deciding who can receive a range of federal benefits.

The Obama administration abandoned its defense of the law in 2011 but continues to enforce it.


Associated Press writer Mark Sherman and News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sustainability is Smart IT, and Smart IT is Smart Business ...

The question of how much carbon dioxide a Google search produces hit the public's radar in 2009. That's when The Telegraph, a major U.K newspaper, reported that two Google searches generate 14g of CO2, about as much as boiling a tea kettle. Google, who I know firsthand does a tremendous job of driving efficiency in their datacenters, disputed the tea kettle analogy, insisting instead that a single search generates about 0.2g of carbon, and that a typical Google search user would produce about the same amount of CO2 as doing one extra load of laundry per year. Regardless of whose numbers you believe, today Google is processing 1.7 trillion queries per year and that's a lot of CO2. Now multiply that by every IT organization on the planet, and you can get a sense of the scope of the problem.

That gets to the heart of an issue that's important to CA Technologies: sustainability. And it's important for more than just social or political reasons. That's because sustainability drives innovation.? As CA Technologies Chief Sustainability Officer, I've seen first-hand how finding greener ways to do things drives business efficiency in surprising new ways.

One lesson I've learned: you must be prepared to collaborate with everyone, from customers to competitors to employees, and structure the green innovation process to reward results. In fact, we started our sustainability efforts here at CA as a direct result of a customer request. Our Energy and Sustainability solutions resulted from listening to customers - not only in terms of what they expected from us (commitment to sustainability), but also in understanding their issues, and figuring out how we could help them deal with those requirements.

Another example: We've committed to making CA World 2013 100% carbon neutral, an industry first. As the largest global gathering of CA Technologies customers and partners, the event has a significant carbon footprint-as any large conference or trade show does. We want to demonstrate our commitment and lead by example, so we've partnered with CarbonFund to do this in a sustainable, visible way. We've sponsored two CarbonFund projects that will offset emissions associated with CA World 2013. One is a landfill methane gas-to-energy project in New York State and the other is a rainforest project in the Brazilian Amazon. This commitment means everyone at the conference will be exchanging ideas and sharing strategies in a sustainably responsible way.

Our effort at CA World is just one part of a much larger commitment to "greenovation." For example, at our offices in Hyderabad, India, we serve meals in the cafeteria buffet-style, and compost the waste in a worm farm that we own. One day an employee suggested we minimize the waste that went into the compost pile to begin with. On their own initiative, employees started regularly weighing the food and publically posting how much food was wasted. Food waste was slashed 75 percent in just two weeks and now we leverage the same technique to reduce paper and water consumption.

It's one thing to promote sustainability for public relations benefits. It's another thing entirely to see sustainability as one of the catalysts for business model innovation. Every day we see sound business benefits as the return on our sustainability investment. We're not alone. A recent study by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy found that ICT (Information Communications Technology applications) could reduce energy use from 12 to 22 percent, while reaping billions in savings and productivity gains.

As the demand for computing power increases so too will IT's adverse impact on the environment-unless responsible IT leaders step in and innovate new and better ways to deliver these services in more sustainable ways. IT has always been a change agent. And a growing number of organizations are seizing the opportunity to be change agents for efficiency gains and energy utilization.

For more details on this, listen to my Innovation Today podcast.



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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Health and Fitness: How to Make a Diet Work When Your Work ...

If you find yourself in the challenging position of having a variable work schedule yet you want to lose weight and make a diet work for you despite this fact then this article was written with you in mind. I have many clients in this situation from people who work the night shift to those who travel constantly or who go from meeting to meeting all day long, regardless of your work schedule you can make a diet work and lose the weight.

How to make a diet work

1. Keep your diet plan simple. The less there is to remember about your healthy eating plan the more likely you will be able to make it work. I like to teach clients the divided plate rule which means that you fill your plate half full with vegetables, one quarter full with protein and the last quarter with carbohydrate. This ensures you are eating the right foods in the right portions without the bother of counting calories or having to search for specialty foods.

2. Keep snacks in the form of protein. Don't grab the packaged snack from the vending machine. These snacks are filled with refined carbohydrates which leave you with a surge of insulin that leads to a crash of your blood sugar and a flood of cravings. Instead have a protein snack (i.e. cheese, nuts) this will steady your blood sugar controlling your hunger for well into the next few hours.

3. Be flexible. You will want your attitude to match your schedule so learn to handle frustration when you cannot get exactly what you wanted to eat and be flexible enough to accept "plan B". With a positive attitude you will find an acceptable alternative and stick with your weight loss program.

4. Have a support team in place. This is great advice for anyone working toward a goal to lose weight. There will always be obstacles in your path but when you have a mentor to guide you or a group of people to support you and encourage you finding a way to make a diet work becomes much easier.

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Tuesday, 19 February, 2013

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Jaw Dropping Photography from Around Belize | Belize Travel Blog

Here is a gallery of? gorgeous photographs from around Belize. Which photo is your favorite?

Actun Tunichil Muknal

Actun Tunichil Muknal, also known locally as ?Xibalba? or ATM, is a cave in Belize, near San Ignacio, Cayo District, notable as a Maya archaeological site that includes skeletons, ceramics, and stoneware.

The Lodge at Chaa Creek

The Lodge at Chaa Creek is an eco-resort and 365 acre private nature reserve located in the Cayo District of Belize, Central America. Established as a small family farm in 1981, it has grown to be one of Belize?s most recognised resorts. It has also received international recognition as a model for sustainable tourism and responsible travel by Conde Nast, National Geographic Adventure, Travel and Leisure magazines, and other publications and organisations. Chaa Creek runs educational and natural history programs with a focus on Belize Maya culture and civilization.

Belize Whale Sharks

One of Belize?s lesser known but most stunning attractions is the annual whale shark migration that returns to Gladden Spit over the next few months.

Beginning in March and running through April, May, June and sometimes further into the summer, the annual migration of these gentle giants to Belize is a rare, truly magnificent sight. In fact, Belize shares the distinction of hosting whale shark migration feasts with only a handful of other places in the world, including Madagascar, South Africa, Australia, Mozambique, Indonesia and the Yucatan.

Caves Branch Cave

Caves Branch Cave is one of several subterranean sites that were carved out of the limestone foothills of the Maya Mountains by the very active Caves Branch River. The site provides an excellent example of the erosive power of water, and the natural wonders of Belize.

Archaeological investigations in Caves Branch Cave indicate that the ancient Maya utilized the site for several hundred years. Between 300 and 900 A.D., they made regular pilgrimages to the site in an effort to petition their gods to nourish their fields, to provide bountiful crops, game and sustenance, and to request stability in a very volatile world.

The Great Blue Hole

The Great Blue Hole is a popular spot for recreational scuba divers who are lured by the opportunity to dive in turquoise water and meet a cadre of fish including gigantic groupers, nurse sharks and many types of reef sharks such as the Caribbean reef shark and the Black tip Shark.

Dive trips to the Great Blue Hole are full day trips which include one dive in the Blue Hole and two further dives in the nearby Barrier reef.

The Great Blue hole was formed during several episodes of quaternary glaciations when sea levels were much lower and the analysis of stalactites found shows that formation took place 153,000, 66,000 and 15,000 years ago.

The Great Blue is also a part of the Belize Barrier Reef System which is a World Heritage Site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

The Jaguar of Belize

The Jaguar is the largest and most powerful cat in the Western Hemisphere, and the third largest of the roaring cats (Panthera). They are found throughout Belize in the lowland forests and along the coasts. Adult jaguars are solitary and only come together for a short time to breed. The size of a jaguars territory depends on food availability. In a forest such as the Cockscomb Basin, a jaguar will roam over a territory of about 20 square kilometers.

Altun Ha Belize

Altun Ha is an ancient Maya city in Belize that is located in the Belize District about 30 miles north of Belize City and about 6 miles west of the shore of the Caribbean Sea. The site covers an area of about 5 miles square. The ruins of the ancient structures had their stones reused for residential construction of the agricultural village of Rockstone Pond in modern times, but the ancient site did not come to the attention of archeologists until 1963.

Ambergris Caye Belize

Ambergris Caye (pronounced either am-BUR-gris key or am-BUR-grease key) is the largest island in Belize that stretches along the Belize Barrier reef all the way to Mexico?s Yucatan peninsula. San Pedro is the island?s biggest settlement and is home to the majority of the island?s restaurants, bars, stores and hotels.

Like other Belize cayes, Ambergris Caye is a fantastic destination for water sports, especially snorkeling and scuba di Scuba diving. Many travelers also use the island as a base for exploring other Belize islands, and even attractions on the mainland like Altun Ha and the Belize caves.

Belize Rainforest

While tourists often flock to Belize to swim and dive in its warm Caribbean waters, those who venture inland can explore a lush rainforest densely populated with thousands of species of plants and animals, some unique to the area. About half of Belize is covered by jungle and you can take several tours into the rainforest to observe its flora and fauna.

Belize Food

Belizean cuisine has been described as an amalgamation of all ethnicities since the food is some of Central America?s most varied. When you visit Belize, a distinctively noticeable characteristic is the countless influences that are incorporated into the food. Offering an eclectic fusion of Caribbean, Mexican and European cuisines ? food in Belize is fit for any appetite.

Did you enjoy this post? Stay up to date with all of our Belize Travel Blogs and Tips?by following us?on?Twitter and?Facebook.

Tags: ambergris caye belize, belize altun ha, Belize ATM Cave, Belize Blue Hole, Belize Caves, Belize Food, belize jaguar, Belize Maya Temples, Belize photography, belize rainforest, belize whale sharks, Belize's Chaa Creek


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