Wednesday, January 16, 2013

University in Detroit ? Consider As the Land of Education | Cally ...

Posted on January 15, 2013 in Education and Learning

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Al-Qaida carves out own country in Mali

BAMAKO, Mali (AP) ? Deep inside caves, in remote desert bases, in the escarpments and cliff faces of northern Mali, Islamic extremist fighters have been burrowing into the earth, erecting a formidable set of defenses to protect what has essentially become al-Qaida's new country.

They have used the bulldozers, earth movers and Caterpillar machines left behind by fleeing construction crews to dig what residents and local officials describe as an elaborate network of tunnels, trenches, shafts and ramparts. In just one case, inside a cave large enough to drive trucks into, they have stored up to 100 drums of gasoline, guaranteeing their fuel supply in the face of a foreign intervention, according to experts.

Now that intervention is here. On Friday, France deployed 550 troops and launched air strikes against the Islamists in northern Mali, starting battle in what is currently the biggest territory in the world held by al-Qaida and its allies. But the fighting has been harder than expected, and the extremists boast it will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan.

"Al-Qaida never owned Afghanistan," said former United Nations diplomat Robert Fowler, a Canadian kidnapped and held for 130 days by al-Qaida's local chapter, whose fighters now control the main cities in the north. "They do own northern Mali."

Al-Qaida's affiliate in Africa ? al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM? has been a shadowy presence for years in the forests and deserts of Mali, a country hobbled by poverty and a relentless cycle of hunger. Last year the terror syndicate and its allies took advantage of political instability in Mali to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory larger than France or Texas ? and almost exactly the size of Afghanistan.

The catalyst for the Islamic fighters was a military coup nine months ago by disgruntled soldiers, which transformed Mali from a once-stable nation to the failed state it is today. The fall of the nation's democratically elected government at the hands of junior officers destroyed the military's command-and-control structure, creating the vacuum which allowed a mix of rebel groups to move in.

After the international community debated for months over what to do, the United Nations Security Council called for a military intervention on condition that an exhaustive list of pre-emptive measures be taken, starting with training the Malian military. All that changed in a matter of hours last week, when French intelligence services spotted two rebel convoys heading south toward the towns of Segou and Mopti. Had either town fallen, many feared the Islamists would advance toward the capital, Bamako.

Over the weekend, Britain authorized sending several transport planes to bring in French troops. Other African nations have authorized sending troops, and the U.S. has pledged communications and logistical support.

The area under the rule of the Islamist fighters is mostly desert and sparsely populated, but analysts say that due to its size and the hostile nature of the terrain, rooting out the extremists here could prove even more difficult than it did in Afghanistan. Mali's former president has acknowledged, diplomatic cables show, that the country cannot patrol a frontier twice the length of the border between the United States and Mexico.

AQIM operates not just in Mali, but in a corridor along much of the northern Sahel. This 7,000-kilometer (4,300-mile) long ribbon of land runs across the widest part of Africa, and includes sections of Mauritania, Niger, Algeria, Libya, Burkina Faso and Chad.

"One could come up with a conceivable containment strategy for the Swat Valley," said Africa expert Peter Pham, an adviser to the U.S. military's African command center, referring to the region of Pakistan where Taliban fighters once dominated. "There's no containment strategy for the Sahel, which runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea."

The Islamists in northern Mali had been preparing for battle long before the French announcement, according to elected officials and residents in Kidal, Timbuktu and Gao, including a day laborer hired by al-Qaida's local chapter to clear rocks and debris for one of their defenses. They spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear for their safety at the hands of the Islamists, who have previously accused those who speak to reporters of espionage.

The al-Qaida affiliate, which became part of the terror network in 2006, is one of three Islamist groups in northern Mali. The others are the Movement for the Unity and Jihad in West Africa, or MUJAO, based in Gao, and Ansar Dine, based in Kidal. Analysts agree that there is considerable overlap among the groups, and that all three can be considered sympathizers, even extensions, of al-Qaida.

The Islamic fighters have stolen equipment from construction companies, including more than $11 million worth from a French company called SOGEA-SATOM, according to Elie Arama, who works with the European Development Fund. The company had been contracted to build a European Union-financed highway in the north between Timbuktu and the village of Goma Coura. An employee of SOGEA-SATOM in Bamako declined to comment.

The official from Kidal said his constituents have reported seeing Islamic fighters with construction equipment riding in convoys behind 4-by-4 trucks draped with their signature black flag. His contacts among the fighters, including friends from secondary school, have told him they have created two bases, around 200 to 300 kilometers (120 and 180 miles) north of Kidal, in the austere, rocky desert.

The first base is occupied by al-Qaida's local fighters in the hills of Teghergharte, a region the official compared to Afghanistan's Tora Bora.

"The Islamists have dug tunnels, made roads, they've brought in generators, and solar panels in order to have electricity," he said. "They live inside the rocks."

Still further north, near Boghassa, is the second base, created by fighters from Ansar Dine. They, too, have used seized explosives, bulldozers and sledgehammers to make passages in the hills, he said.

In addition to creating defenses, the fighters are amassing supplies, experts said. A local who was taken by Islamists into a cave in the region of Kidal described an enormous room, where several cars were parked. Along the walls, he counted up to 100 barrels of gasoline, according to the man's testimony to New York-based Human Rights Watch.

In the regional capital of Gao, a young man told The Associated Press that he and several others were offered 10,000 francs a day by al-Qaida's local commanders (around $20), a rate several times the normal wage, to clear rocks and debris, and dig trenches. The youth said he saw Caterpillars and earth movers inside an Islamist camp at a former Malian military base 7 kilometers (4 miles) from Gao.

The fighters are piling mountains of sand from the ground along the dirt roads to force cars onto the pavement, where they have checkpoints everywhere, he said. In addition, they are modifying their all-terrain vehicles to mount them with arms.

"On the backs of their cars, it looks like they are mounting pipes," he said, describing a shape he thinks might be a rocket or missile launcher. "They are preparing themselves. Everyone is scared."

A university student from Gao confirmed seeing the modified cars. He said he also saw deep holes dug on the sides of the highway, possibly to give protection to fighters shooting at cars, along with cement barriers with small holes for guns.

In Gao, residents routinely see Moktar Belmoktar, the one-eyed emir of the al-Qaida-linked cell that grabbed Fowler in 2008. Belmoktar, a native Algerian, traveled to Afghanistan in the 1980s and trained in Osama bin Laden's camp in Jalalabad, according to research by the Jamestown Foundation. His lieutenant Oumar Ould Hamaha, whom Fowler identified as one of his captors, brushed off questions about the tunnels and caves but said the fighters are prepared.

"We consider this land our land. It's an Islamic territory," he said, reached by telephone in an undisclosed location.

He added that the Islamists have recruited new fighters, including from Western countries.

In December, two U.S. citizens from Alabama were arrested on terrorism charges, accused of planning to fly to Morocco and travel by land to Mali to wage jihad, or holy war. Two French nationals have also been detained on suspicion of trying to travel to northern Mali to join the Islamists. Hamaha himself said he spent a month in France preaching his fundamentalist version of Islam in Parisian mosques after receiving a visa for all European Union countries in 2001.

Hamaha indicated the Islamists have inherited stores of Russian-made arms from former Malian army bases, as well as from the arsenal of toppled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, a claim that military experts have confirmed.

Those weapons include the SA-7 and SA-2 surface-to-air missiles, according to Hamaha, which can shoot down aircrafts. His claim could not be verified, but Rudolph Atallah, the former counterterrorism director for Africa in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, said it makes sense.

"Gadhafi bought everything under the sun," said Atallah, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel, who has traveled extensively to Mali on defense missions. "His weapons depots were packed with all kinds of stuff, so it's plausible that AQIM now has surface-to-air missiles."

Depending on the model, these missiles can range far enough to bring down planes used by ill-equipped African air forces, he said. However, they will be far less effective against the forces of the West, with their better equipment.

Another factor in the success of military intervention will be the reaction of the people, who, unlike in Afghanistan, have little history of extremism. Malians have long practiced a moderate form of Islam, where women do not wear burqas and few practice the strict form of the religion. The Islamists are imposing a far more severe form of Islam on the towns of the north, carrying out amputations in public squares, flogging women for not covering up and destroying world heritage sites.

The Islamists' recent advances draw on al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb's near decade of experience in Mali's northern desert, where Fowler and his fellow U.N. colleague were held captive for four months in 2008, an experience he recounts in his recent book, "A Season in Hell."

Originally from Algeria, the fighters fled across the border into Mali in 2003, after kidnapping 32 European tourists. Over the next decade, they used the country's vast northern desert to hold French, Spanish, Swiss, German, British, Austrian, Italian and Canadian hostages, raising an estimated $89 million in ransom payments, according to Stratfor, a global intelligence company.

During this time, they also established relationships with local clans, nurturing the ties that now protect them. Several commanders have taken local wives, and Hamaha, whose family is from Kidal, confirmed that Belmoktar is married to his niece.

Fowler described being driven for days by jihadists who knew Mali's featureless terrain by heart, navigating valleys of identical dunes with nothing more than the direction of the sun as their map. He saw them drive up to a thorn tree in the middle of nowhere to find barrels of diesel fuel. Elsewhere, he saw them dig a pit in the sand and bury a bag of boots, marking the spot on a GPS for future use.

In his four-month-long captivity, Fowler never saw his captors refill at a gas station, or shop in a market. Yet they never ran out of gas. And although their diet was meager, they never ran out of food, a testament to the extensive supply network which they set up and are now refining and expanding.

Among the many challenges an invading army will face is the inhospitable terrain, Fowler said, which is so hot that at times "it was difficult to draw breath." A cable published by WikiLeaks from the U.S. Embassy in Bamako described how even the Malian troops deployed in the north before the coup could only work from 4 a.m. to 10 a.m., and spent the sunlight hours in the shade of their vehicles.

Yet Fowler said he saw al-Qaida fighters chant Quranic verses under the Sahara sun for hours, just one sign of their deep, ideological commitment.

"I have never seen a more focused group of young men," said Fowler, who now lives in Ottawa, Canada. "No one is sneaking off for R&R. They have left their wives and children behind. They believe they are on their way to paradise."


Associated Press writer Baba Ahmed contributed to this report from Bamako and Mopti, Mali.


Rukmini Callimachi can be reached at

Baba Ahmed can be reached at


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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Infosys says media report of firing 5,000 staff wrong

(Reuters) - India's Infosys Ltd said on Friday a newspaper report it was planning to fire up to 5,000 poorly performing workers was "wrong", although it encourages "chronic under-performers" to leave as part of its staff management.

Infosys , India's second-largest software services exporter, was sacking up to 5,000 poor performers to trim costs, the Economic Times reported earlier.

Infosys, which is also listed in the United States, added the number of potential under-performers that could leave the company was "significantly lower" than the 5,000 quoted in the media report.

(Reporting by Harichandan Arakali in BANGALORE; Editing by Rafael Nam)


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Saturday, January 5, 2013

udonkey31: Geaux Teacher ? Get Help Homeschooling From This ...

Homeschooling is a great choice for many. Teaching from home is not without its difficulties. You need the right advice, and this article should provide you with that.

Keep in mind that homeschooling is a simple extension of your existing role as disciplinarian. When you go to homeschooling from ?regular? schools, it?s wise to have lesson plans and discipline plans from the start of every year. You will have to adjust your way of thinking in the classroom from a parent to a teacher. Do not neglect this important aspect of homeschooling before you decide to get started, and consider sending your child to school if you have some issues with authority.

Do not be a ?teacher? to your child, be an example. A teacher is a trained professional; you are not. Lecturing children doesn?t benefit either of you. Consider their place. You will probably learn a great deal as well.

Repeating new information is a great way to help it stick in your child?s memory. Lots of parents who homeschool their children have their kids write definitions, spelling words, and lots of notes. Also incorporate methods such as songs, rhymes and flashcards to help with memorizing information.

There are many styles of learning you must understand. Teaching materials can be presented in different ways depending on the learning style of the child. It?s not necessary to fully adopt any single method. Try combining several methods that are appealing to your kid for a unique curriculum that will allow them succeed.

You should always give your kids time to make friends and be social. A regular classroom is absent, so you must have a plan. Go on field trips with other homeschool groups. Make sure that your child is participating in community sports. Scouts and Girl Guides are other organizations worth joining.

Check libraries and local websites for information about homeschooling groups in your area. These are the perfect way to share tips and resources with others. You can reduce the expense of homeschooling by doing this.

Come up with a list of the good things and the bad things about public and home schools. Use these lists to make sure that your homeschooling lessons give your kids the chance to learn everything that they would in public education. You will see there are things you will want to steer clear of. Keep it in a safe place and reference it frequently.

See if you can?t team-up with other like minded parents in the area who are also homeschooling their kids. A regular group meeting will give your kids the chance to socialize with others. These meetings will also give you and your child a place to go outside the home.

You might want to think about how homeschooling will effect your finances. It could cause you to have to quit working outside of the home making for serious financial burdens. Even if you are currently a single-income household, there are many often-overlooked costs associated with homeschooling including textbooks, art materials, field trips, and supplies.

Are you considering homeschooling multiple children? Before getting started, take a look at the current discipline structure in your home. If you do not have well defined rules and have not laid out your expectations, you will have trouble keeping your children on track. If you change any discipline problems you have, your children will be more successful.

Have fun while homeschooling. When a topic that you are interested in comes up, delve deep into the topic and learn all you can about it. Your library, museums and zoos can be great resources for subjects that are very enjoyable. You can then take this information and share it with your child as part of their curriculumn. Seeing you excited about learning is sure to inspire them.

If your child isn?t learning as much as he should in public school, then it may be time to try homeschooling. This will eliminate the stress in your child?s life. Not to mention, the two of you will now have additional opportunities for bonding with one another. It is a better option than leaving your child to struggle in public school.

Try the unique unit study method that allows your kid learn more information. With this method, only one topic is studied at a time. It will help you dig deeper into the different topics. You can take a long time to study one topic instead of jumping from one to another. When done, take them to an actual performance so they can experience the music live. This will be something your child remembers forever.

Before homeschooling your children, be sure to educate yourself on the subject. There is an abundance of homeschooling resources online and with your state?s department of education. Always make sure that you have enough energy, time, and finances to ensure that your kids get a quality education.

With a lot of knowledge in this article, you can now be prepared to get into homeschooling. You will be ready to give your children the education they need. If you do everything correctly, your kids will enter college and the working world with an amazing education that will guarantee them success.


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Friday, January 4, 2013

'Fiscal cliff' deal leaves lots of issues dangling

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden leave the podium after Obama made a statement regarding the passage of the fiscal cliff bill in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden leave the podium after Obama made a statement regarding the passage of the fiscal cliff bill in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

The "fiscal cliff" compromise on taxes leaves a big part of the nation's budget crisis still dangling.

Lawmakers bought a little time with a New Year's agreement to hold income tax rates steady for 99 percent of Americans while allowing payroll taxes to go up. But they left themselves only two months to settle seemingly irreconcilable differences over how much the United States should borrow and spend and where painful budget cuts should land.

Here's a look at what's been resolved and what's left hanging:



The bipartisan deal approved by the Senate and House put off dealing with the nearly $110 billion in automatic spending cuts set for this year.

Unless Congress stops them by March 1, automatic cuts of about 8 or 9 percent are set to sweep through nearly all federal agencies, with half the money coming out of the military.

Both parties talk about the need to control spending, but lawmakers don't want the kinds of chaotic cuts now barreling toward them. Republicans worry that the Pentagon would be hamstrung; Democrats say vital federal programs would be crippled.

Federal workers would face furloughs or even layoffs, Americans would see all sorts of government services curtailed, and businesses would feel the pinch of reduced government spending.



Around the same time, the United States would lose its ability to borrow money to pay its debts, unless Congress acts. That's a big deal, especially since the government borrows about 31 cents of every dollar it spends.

The U.S. bumped against its $16.4 trillion borrowing limit Monday, but the Treasury Department is using special accounting measures to avoid default for now. Private economists say those methods could probably stretch through late February or early March.

After that, the United States would risk its first-ever default.

Hopes of wrapping the issue into the year-end negotiations were dashed, setting up the potential for another standoff. House Speaker John Boehner says any debt increase must be paired with equal spending cuts. Obama says the debt ceiling is too important to negotiate.

The last time such a showdown brought the nation close to default, in the summer of 2011, it roiled the financial markets and contributed to Standard & Poor's decision to strip the U.S. government of its AAA bond rating.



Yet another deadline looms on March 27. The stopgap measure that funds government activities expires; congressional approval will be needed to keep the government running. It's another chance to fight over spending.

In 2011, the nation came within hours of a partial government shutdown that would have furloughed an estimated 800,000 government workers, closed national parks and halted the work of the IRS.



The "fiscal cliff" deadline was originally designed to force lawmakers to confront trillion-dollar annual budget deficits that pile the nation's debts higher each year. As larger and larger numbers of baby boomers receive retirement benefits in coming years, the strain on the budget will be unsustainable.

Obama says Medicare's climbing costs must be addressed to fix this. Republicans want to rein in Medicare, Social Security and other entitlement programs more sharply. Many Democratic lawmakers object. And tampering with programs so popular with voters is never easy.

The "fiscal cliff" was supposed to be a way to force Washington to confront the long-term debt problem. The next two months will be another opportunity to come up with a plan or dodge the issues again.

The tough, unpopular decisions are further complicated by concerns that cutting spending too quickly could damage the nation's sluggish economic recovery.



The year-end "fiscal cliff" deadline did inspire compromise between Republicans and Democrats on some hotly debated tax questions. Some of the issues settled:

? Payroll taxes are going back up, after being trimmed for two years to help stimulate spending and boost the economy. For most workers, that means paychecks will shrink by 2 percent ? another $1,000 for someone earning $50,000 a year. The wealthiest pay a lower share of their income, however, because the Social Security payroll tax applies only to the first $113,700 of earnings.

? The top 1 percent are getting socked with higher income tax rates. Income over $400,000 for individuals or $450,000 for couples will be taxed at a top rate of 39.6 percent, up from 35 percent. Everyone else gets to keep their current income tax rates, which date back to the George W. Bush-era tax cuts.

? The wealthiest Americans will pay higher taxes on their investments. Rates for their capital gains and dividends are rising from 15 to 20 percent. And the tax on estates worth more than $5 million will go up to 40 percent, from 35 percent.

? The alternative minimum tax ? designed to keep the wealthy from using loopholes to avoid taxes ? will be permanently indexed for inflation so it doesn't catch millions of middle- and upper-middle-income people in its net.

? Tax breaks for families with children, college tuition and low-income workers will continue for five years. A diverse group of temporary business tax breaks were extended for one year.

? Emergency federal unemployment benefits to help 2 million people out of work for at least six months will be extended a year.

? A scheduled 27 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors will be held off for a year in what's become a congressional ritual.


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Associated Press


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Got Upgrades In Mind? Read Our Home Improvement Tips!

Is this your very first home improvement project? It is possible that you have no clue where to begin. Some home improvements seem like more daunting tasks than others because of their expense or complexity. Here are some excellent tips to help you with your home improvement dreams.

One of the most popular types of decks for homeowners nowadays is vinyl. You should clean the surface of your deck at least two times each year to maintain its look and preserve it for many years of enjoyment. Spring and fall are the best times to do a clean sweep of your vinyl deck.

Establish a schedule of payment with your contractor that is based upon the progression of the work completed rather than a fixed timeline. You will be able to end the contract if you are not satisfied with the quality of the work instead of finding yourself at the mercy of a contractor who wants more money to finish the job.

Use a nail and poke holes in the paint can rim. The rim tends to fill up with paint, which will leak over the can and onto the floor when the lid is replaced. Use a small nail to puncture several holes into this rim, allowing paint to drain from the channel back into the can.

Talk to a professional before attempting any serious or complicated projects. Advice from a professional can ultimately save you thousands of dollars and hours of frustration. Without speaking with a professional prior to making home improvements, you may really mess things up.

Knock out that bubble in the vinyl flooring! If this problem is visible in your home, you can cut it and get rid of the problem. That will flatten the bubble for the moment. In order to permanently repair this part of the floor though, you are going to need to put an amount of fresh glue in. There are syringes that are already filled with glue for jobs like this.

Find the gas shutoff prior to starting any home improvement project that is located in the kitchen or in any other place that contains a gas line. Although your gas is shut-off, it is still important to use extreme caution when working around gas lines. A fire could damage you and your efforts in any project.

Most basements have little natural lighting. If you want your basement to be very comfortable, you should start with a good lighting plan. If you are lucky, you will have a basement with high walls that are above ground level. If you do, you might consider installing windows to bring in some natural light.

Always figure out how much a home improvement project is going to cost you before you get started. Projects that will show a great return are the wisest to do. Not all remodeling projects are the same. Research which improvements bring the best return.

Increase the safety of your home by developing escape routes for your family and installing necessary equipment. There is every likelihood that someone will panic when confronted with a tragic situation. When you?ve mapped out how you?ll exit your home in the face of a fire or another emergency, you?ll be sure that your family can get out safely. Get together and talk about a plan on how to deal with these types of situations.

You can circulate air more efficiently by getting some ceiling fans in the rooms you use the most. The fans can reduce your reliance on the air conditioner in the summer and they can push warm air downward in the winter, making your furnace usage more efficient. Depending on what you are looking for, fans can switch the direction the air blows, either upwards or downwards.

As you have noticed, it is really not that scary to complete a home improvement job. You?ll find it?s easy to maintain your motivation for home improvement too. All you need to do is keep in mind how much of a difference home improvements can make in your quality of life, as well as the money they can save you!

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Cup color influences the taste of hot chocolate

Cup color influences the taste of hot chocolate [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 3-Jan-2013
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Contact: Press Office
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology

Two researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford have proven that hot chocolate tastes better in an orange or cream coloured cup than in a white or red one. The study adds to recent research demonstrating how our senses perceive food in a different way depending on the characteristics of the container from which we eat and drink.

"The colour of the container where food and drink are served can enhance some attributes like taste and aroma," as explained to SINC by Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Along with her colleague Charles Spence, from the University of Oxford (UK), the scientist has come to the conclusion in the case of drinking chocolate.

Both conducted an experiment in which 57 participants had to evaluate samples of hot chocolate served in four different types of plastic cup. They were the same size but of different colours: white, cream, red and orange with white on the inside.

Published in the 'Journal of Sensory Studies', the results reveal that the flavour of chocolate served in orange or cream coloured cups was better for the tasting volunteers.

However, the sweetness (not the flavour of the cocoa) and the aroma (the smell) where hardly influenced by the colour of the cup, despite the participants mentioning that the chocolate was slightly sweeter and more aromatic in a cream coloured cup.

"There is no fixed rule stating that flavour and aroma are enhanced in a cup of a certain colour or shade," recognised Piqueras-Fiszman. "In reality this varies depending on the type of food, but the truth is that, as this effect occurs, more attention should be paid to the colour of the container as it has more potential than one could imagine."

According to the study, these results are relevant for those scientists interested in understanding how the brain integrates visual information not just from the food itself but from the receptacle or container from which it is consumed.

In addition, this information could encourage chefs, catering professionals and even the packaging industry to think more about the colour of crockery and packaging. As the researcher explains, "it is a case of experimenting to understand how the container itself affects the perceptions that the consumers have on the product."

In the same article the conclusions of previous studies are brought together that also confirm the effect of the container on the sensory characteristics of the food or beverage. There are many examples, from yellow tins to improve the flavour of lemon to soft drinks in cold colours, like blue, to seem more thirst-quenching than warm colours like red. Furthermore, if drinks come in pink, they are even perceived as being more sugary.

In other cases, it has been proven that a strawberry mousse appears to be sweeter and more intense on a white plate compared to a black plate. And as for coffee, the majority of those surveyed associated brown packaging to a stronger flavour and aroma, whereas reds seem to accentuate this sensation and blues and yellows make the drink seems softer.



Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, Charles Spence. "The influence of the color of the cup on consumers' perception of a hot beverage". Journal of Sensory Studies 27 (5): 324331, 2012.

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Cup color influences the taste of hot chocolate [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 3-Jan-2013
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FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology

Two researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford have proven that hot chocolate tastes better in an orange or cream coloured cup than in a white or red one. The study adds to recent research demonstrating how our senses perceive food in a different way depending on the characteristics of the container from which we eat and drink.

"The colour of the container where food and drink are served can enhance some attributes like taste and aroma," as explained to SINC by Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Along with her colleague Charles Spence, from the University of Oxford (UK), the scientist has come to the conclusion in the case of drinking chocolate.

Both conducted an experiment in which 57 participants had to evaluate samples of hot chocolate served in four different types of plastic cup. They were the same size but of different colours: white, cream, red and orange with white on the inside.

Published in the 'Journal of Sensory Studies', the results reveal that the flavour of chocolate served in orange or cream coloured cups was better for the tasting volunteers.

However, the sweetness (not the flavour of the cocoa) and the aroma (the smell) where hardly influenced by the colour of the cup, despite the participants mentioning that the chocolate was slightly sweeter and more aromatic in a cream coloured cup.

"There is no fixed rule stating that flavour and aroma are enhanced in a cup of a certain colour or shade," recognised Piqueras-Fiszman. "In reality this varies depending on the type of food, but the truth is that, as this effect occurs, more attention should be paid to the colour of the container as it has more potential than one could imagine."

According to the study, these results are relevant for those scientists interested in understanding how the brain integrates visual information not just from the food itself but from the receptacle or container from which it is consumed.

In addition, this information could encourage chefs, catering professionals and even the packaging industry to think more about the colour of crockery and packaging. As the researcher explains, "it is a case of experimenting to understand how the container itself affects the perceptions that the consumers have on the product."

In the same article the conclusions of previous studies are brought together that also confirm the effect of the container on the sensory characteristics of the food or beverage. There are many examples, from yellow tins to improve the flavour of lemon to soft drinks in cold colours, like blue, to seem more thirst-quenching than warm colours like red. Furthermore, if drinks come in pink, they are even perceived as being more sugary.

In other cases, it has been proven that a strawberry mousse appears to be sweeter and more intense on a white plate compared to a black plate. And as for coffee, the majority of those surveyed associated brown packaging to a stronger flavour and aroma, whereas reds seem to accentuate this sensation and blues and yellows make the drink seems softer.



Betina Piqueras-Fiszman, Charles Spence. "The influence of the color of the cup on consumers' perception of a hot beverage". Journal of Sensory Studies 27 (5): 324331, 2012.

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Kosher Breaking News: The Journal News is Armed and Dangerous

Armed guards from RGA Investigations have taken up post at the Journal News? Rockland County headquarters

Guns are good for the goose but NOT for the gander.

A Clarkstown police report issued on December 28, 2012, confirmed that The Journal News has hired armed security guards from New City-based RGA Investigations and that they are manning the newspaper?s Rockland County headquarters at 1 Crosfield Ave., West Nyack, through at least tomorrow, Wednesday, January 2, 2013.

According to police reports on public record, Journal News Rockland Editor Caryn A. McBride was alarmed by the volume of ?negative correspondence,? namely an avalanche of phone calls and emails to the Journal News office, following the newspaper?s publishing of a map of all pistol permit holders in Rockland and Westchester.

Due to apparent safety concerns, the newspaper then decided to hire RGA Investigations to provide armed personnel to man the location.

Private investigator Richard Ayoob is the administrator of RGA. He told the Clarkstown Police on Friday, December 28 that there had been no problems on site at the Journal News headquarters despite the massive influx of phone calls and emails.

McBride had filed at least two reports with the Clarkstown Police Department due to perceived threats. However, the police did not find the communications in question actually threatening. Incident-Report 2012-00033099 describes McBride telling police she was worried because an email writer wondered ?what McBride would get in her mail now.?

Police said the email ?did not constitute an offense? and did not contain an actual threat.

The Journal News caused an international stir when they released an interactive map of pistol permit holders names and addresses in Rockland and Westchester counties last Sunday, December 23. The editors have said they believe knowing where guns are is in the public?s interest. The newspaper has also taken a strident editorial position in favor of strict gun control.

Rather than take the map down following the public uproar, the executive board at the Journal News has decided to ?stick to their guns? and double-down on their original decision, as they have said a map listing all pistol permit holders in Putnam County will soon to be posted.

The controversial use of the Freedom of Information Act to create the interactive map may come back to bite the Journal News and others who would prefer that pistol permits remain public record.

New York State Senator Greg Ball has already introduced state legislation to make such records off-limits to the public and Rockland County legislators led by Frank Sparaco (R) will soon introduce a bipartisan-sponsored resolution with a similar intent.

It is not clear whether the negative reaction has threatened the Journal News? true popularity as a news source. As an anecdotal piece of evidence, the Rockland County Times confirms receiving an influx of new subscribers who stated they cancelled their subscription to the Journal News due to the gun story.

The Rockland County Times has not investigated whether the Journal News? Westchester County headquarters in White Plains has beefed up security.


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Quit Attempting To Stumble Towards You Through Your Health ...

Posted by mikaza on January 2, 2013 in Business | Short Link In order to get insurance plan, desire to merge your insurance coverage into 1, or want to avoid wasting cash, it could be puzzling to know all the appropriate questions to ask to help make an informed option. Inside the subsequent sentences, you?ll find tips that may help you buy the appropriate insurance for the best cost. health insurance for kids in florida

Have got a natural delivery if possible ? some health insurance firms label up costs or deny women insurance when they have possessed a C-segment, since it is a very pricey process. In case the companies tend not to reject coverage completely, they charge a far higher price providing that future C-sections for girls who?ve currently experienced one are more likely.

Look into accommodating investing credit accounts. Some individuals get this kind of program a beneficial supplement to medical insurance. In this type of strategy, cash is deducted from the pre-taxed earnings to fund medical costs. These profiles can be used to pay for various various health professional services, such as doctor visits and prescriptions. As the say in the media however, restrictions use, so seek information.

If you are filling out the application with the insurance company on the phone, make certain you are just offering these with the information that they can require. Only respond to direct concerns. Should you allow them to have more information they did not ask for, they may record it, and might find a way to increase your costs or perhaps deny you for insurance.

Reevaluate your insurance coverage during your available enrollment time period to successfully are becoming the best protection that meets your needs. As the healthcare demands and loved ones dynamics alter, your state of health insurance plan should be modified to fulfill those needs. Available registration also offers you the opportunity for making changes to many other ideas, including dental care or vision.

Regardless of the level of insurance coverage you?ve obtained, you can save money by permitting generic drugs. Generics can be bought in most instances and include exactly the same elements like a brand.

When you think of signing up for health-related insurance through your workplace, keep in mind your own personal overall health reputation and this of your quick family members. For instance, if you?re fundamentally wholesome you may look at acquiring inexpensive insurance policy that doesn?t deal with a lot of solutions. It can be less expensive at the beginning, but if you do get sick it can be very expensive.

Determine if there?s a staff member-wellness program with your company that could potentially save some costs on medical insurance. Several employers give bonuses for that assessment in their employees? health and life styles. You could possibly get decrease premiums and sign up to a training software for instance.

Remember that there are a selection of insurance plan strategies particular to focus on distinct demands. It is possible to pick a program that can help protect some regions for you now, after which delay until afterwards to have the full insurance coverage when you can pay for it.

If you intend to switch insurance plans, continue to keep data of your respective healthcare insurance expenditures. You need to understand what your out-of-wallet expenditures are yourself plus your dependents. That method for you to know what is within your budget.

Look at signing up for a group when choosing health care insurance. Class insurance policies are generally less expensive than person wellness plans. If you?re generally operating, your employer may possibly conduct a class price for many his staff members. An alternative is to find out if your union, alumni organization or other organization can offer a team overall health decide to associates.

No monthly premiums for health care insurance are set in stone, the customer is permitted to decide on what they want and never such as their strategy. You can improve your co-monthly payments to save cash on rates, or transform how much of your prescription expenses will be protected. You may also exclude dental care or perspective protection if you are you won?t want it this current year. Remember that a lot more advantages equivalent a better superior and the other way around.

Although you may provide an specifically interior family pet, you must continue to buy family pet health care insurance. There are numerous hazards that will take place within, there can be accidents or unintentional poisoning, along with a animal also can slip out where by nearly anything might take place. Although your dog could be indoors, it may nevertheless have the ability to chip a tooth or injury a part of its physique, for which therapy will definitely cost a large amount of funds.

It is in the interest of everybody to be shielded by health care insurance. It may be puzzling to understand which plan you must decide on, yet it is easy to have the project less difficult. The easiest method to learn what you need to know is always to do your own personal analysis on the topic. Take advantage of the details you simply study to decide on the finest health coverage to meet your needs. short term health insurance florida

Tags: insurance, medical


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Theater shooting relatives turn down 'disgusting offer'

The families said they were invited to an 'evening of remembrance' at the Aurora, Colorado theater, followed by a movie.

By Dan Elliott,?Associated Press / January 2, 2013

People gather outside the Century 16 movie theatre in Aurora, Colo., at the scene of a mass shooting early July 20, 2012.

Karl Gehring/The Denver Post/AP


Relatives of the majority of people killed in a?Colorado?movie theater are rejecting an invitation to attend its reopening, calling it a "disgusting offer."

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The parents, grandparents, cousins and widow of nine of the 12 people killed released a letter Wednesday sent to the theater's owner, Cinemark. The Plano, Texas-based company has been renovating the Aurora theater and plans to re-open it Jan. 17.

The company had no immediate comment.

The families said they were invited to an "evening of remembrance" followed by a movie. They said the company also had "awful timing" in sending the invitations two days after Christmas.


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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

South Korea's Hyundai, Kia expect slowest sales growth in 10 years

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea's biggest automakers Hyundai Motor Co and affiliate Kia Motors Corp are targeting a 4 percent increase in global sales this year to a combined 7.41 million vehicles, their slowest growth since 2003.

The duo, which together ranks fifth in global car sales, is bracing for more modest growth after years of expansion at breakneck speed. Group chairman Chung Mong-koo has slowed capacity building to focus on improving branding and profitability in the hopes of better competing with rivals that include Japan's Toyota Motor Corp .

Hyundai Motor and Kia will pursue brand innovation by raising the quality of our vehicles, Chung, the 74-year-old chairman of Hyundai Motor and Kia's parent group, said in his annual speech to employees on Wednesday.

In line with that strategy, Kia promoted chief designer and executive vice president Peter Schreyer - known for his design contributions to the iconic Audi TT - to president late last week.

Earlier in 2012, Hyundai Motor poached ex-BMW designer Christopher Chapman to head its U.S. design center.

"Chairman Chung said our maximum capacity is 8 million vehicles. No more than that. Instead, he said we need to move upmarket and raise margins," a former top Hyundai executive told Reuters.

Hyundai Motor plans to unveil a luxury-concept vehicle at the upcoming Detroit motor show, a spokesman said, without elaborating.

The auto maker targets sales of 4.66 million vehicles this year, while Kia has set a goal of 2.75 million, according to regulatory filings.


But investors are concerned that growth momentum will wane with Hyundai Motor and Kia's go-slow strategy and the firming South Korean won.

Hyundai and Kia's industry-leading margins are being threatened by the strengthening won, which reduces repatriated earnings and pricing power. The South Korean currency rose 7.6 percent against the dollar last year, its biggest percentage gain since 2009.

By contrast, the yen is softening, which could tip the competitive balance in favor of their Japanese rivals such as Honda Motor Co Ltd .

Reflecting those concerns, shares in Hyundai Motor rose 2.6 percent in 2012 while Kia shares slumped 15.3 percent, underperforming the wider market's <.ks11> 9.4 percent gain.

Hyundai and Kia were the worst performing stocks among the world's top five automakers last year, according to Thomson Reuters data.

A dearth of new models for Hyundai Motor and Kia this year may also erode sales growth, analysts say.

The next generation of Genesis, Hyundai Motor's premium sedan, may be unveiled only in late 2013.

Kia Motors plans to launch a new Soul compact car this year, a spokesman said, without elaborating on possible rollout plans for other models.


Hyundai Motor and Kia sold a combined 7.12 million vehicles in 2012, up 8 percent from the previous year and better than their original target of 7 million.

The duo drove up sales in China when their Japanese competitors were hit by a backlash in a dispute over islands in the East China Sea last year.

In the United States and Canada, Hyundai Motor and Kia's sales have not been greatly affected so far by their November 2 admission that they had overstated the fuel economy of more than 1 million cars.

Hyundai Motor, which started new plants in China and Brazil in 2012, is in a better position to increase sales this year than Kia, which did not add any capacity at all last year.

The companies plan to release their global sales results for December later on Wednesday. Figures for the United States are due on Thursday.

(Additional reporting by Daum Kim in SEOUL; Editing by Ryan Woo and John Mair)


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AP Source: Chiefs interviewing Reid for coach job

FILE - Philadelphia Eagles head coach Andy Reid during the first half of an NFL football game against the New York Giants Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 in East Rutherford, N.J. Reid has been fired after 14 seasons coaching the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles made the announcement Monday, Dec. 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Peter Morgan, File)

FILE - Philadelphia Eagles head coach Andy Reid during the first half of an NFL football game against the New York Giants Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 in East Rutherford, N.J. Reid has been fired after 14 seasons coaching the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles made the announcement Monday, Dec. 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Peter Morgan, File)

(AP) ? The Kansas City Chiefs were courting former Eagles coach Andy Reid on Wednesday as they searched for a replacement for Romeo Crennel, who was fired this week after the worst season in franchise history.

Chiefs chairman Clark Hunt was meeting with Reid in Philadelphia, a person familiar with Reid's plans told The Associated Press. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the plans were not made public. first reported the interview would take place.

Reid, fired Monday after 14 seasons in Philadelphia, also planned to interview for the open job in Arizona. The Cardinals dismissed Ken Whisenhunt on Monday.

The Chiefs have a connection with Reid through team president Mark Donovan, who spent his previous six years as the Eagles' senior vice president of business operations.

Hunt began his search for Crennel's replacement in Atlanta, where he interviewed offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter on Tuesday. But one day later, Falcons coach Mike Smith said Koetter had signed a new contract and would not be pursuing a head coaching job this season.

"I don't want to really get into any of the details," Smith said Wednesday. "Dirk is going to be here with us. He informed me of that last night. We talked at length."

Hunt told the AP in an interview this week that he would lead the search for the Chiefs' next coach, not embattled general manager Scott Pioli. Hunt said he had "the appropriate resources available to help me in the process," but would not say who is assisting in the search.

"We're very well organized," Hunt said. "We want to be thorough, but efficient as well."

Hunt's decision to spearhead the coaching search coincides with his plan to take greater control of football operations. Pioli had been responsible for all personnel moves since he was hired in 2009, including the hiring and firing of head coaches.

Pioli parted with Herm Edwards shortly after he was hired and replaced him with Todd Haley, but their relationship was strained. Haley was dismissed in December 2011 and Crennel was made interim coach. He was given the job on a permanent basis in January.

Crennel was fired Monday after going 2-14 in his first full season.

It was widely thought Pioli would also be fired after a series of failed drafts and poor free-agent acquisitions. Hunt said he had not decided whether to release the GM.

It's likely that the decision won't be made until Hunt hires a coach.

"I don't have a timeline laid out per se on that," Hunt said. "Obviously the beginning of February there are a lot of important events related to the upcoming draft, the combine and so forth, and we want to be solidified in that regard before that."

The Chiefs have the No. 1 pick in the NFL draft for the first time in franchise history.

Hunt refused to discuss potential candidates to replace Crennel, but did offer a lengthy list of qualities he's seeking in an ideal head coach.

"I'd say a proven leader," Hunt said. "Somebody who has demonstrated the ability to build a successful program, or been part of building a successful program. Somebody of high integrity, somebody who is a successful teacher and communicator. Somebody who has a high football IQ, but at the same time likes to roll up their sleeves and work hard."

Reid would appear to have most of those qualities.

The Eagles were 3-13 the year before he arrived, but two seasons later, they went 11-5 and finished second in the NFC East. It was the first of five straight years in which the Eagles won at least 11 games, and included a trip to the Super Bowl after the 2004 season.

Reid was 130-93-1 in Philadelphia, the most wins in franchise history. He helped the Eagles win 10 playoff games ? the Chiefs haven't won one since 1993 ? and six division titles.

Reid is considered a bright offensive mind with success developing quarterbacks, an area of particular need in Kansas City. His best years coincided with Donovan McNabb's best years, and the 54-year-old coach also worked with Brett Favre early in his career in Green Bay.

"I'm not going to go into discussing who we're talking to," Hunt said Monday, before adding: "We do have a list of candidates who are priority for us."


AP Sports Writers John Wawrow and George Henry contributed to this story.


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Website development is a collective term that is taking care of the design of website for online browsing like the intranet and internet. ?Most people are conversant with the internet because it is the World Wide Web which is where almost everyone would make use of. The internet has made it possible for a lot of revolutions to happen in our business and fashion world with Website development.? And for those who are not aware of the intranet, it is the individual or private network.? There are features that make up the development of website like the network security, content development of the website, the design of the website, server side scripting, client liaison and many more.

With the internet applications, electronic businesses and also the social media platforms, the website development has become more advanced. Currently, a lot of websites are using SMO which is social media optimization in the generation of their sites. This is why the compatibility of websites with social media platforms is important. It is not everyone who would be able to develop a website. This is the reason why developers can be hired.

The client side coding is what would give website the right hierarchy. And this hierarchy can be according to the following; Ajax, the newer Flash, JavaScript, jQuery, the ?Microsoft Silverlight, HTML5 and also CSS 3. And also there are Java, Lotus Domino, ASP, Pearl, PHP, Websphere, Python, WebDNA,? CSP,ColdFusion,CGI,Groovy, Real Studio, Ruby, Smalltalk, SSJS and NET for the server side coding. This is what is included in the website development.

The work of a web developer or webmaster can be seen in the applications of the website development. This is because that is the area that would fully support a user or owner of the website make use of various features and platforms online.? The multifaceted nature of World Wide Web is judged according to reliability of the website, the management and the quality of the website. And because of this, the traffic generation of the website can be grown with the applications that have been placed on a website.

Website development makes use of a systematic procedure that has tools, techniques, methodologies and evolution in place. This is because of the advancements that happen online. The security of the website is equally considered during the development of the website.? This is what would help a website stay away from the malicious activities of hackers.


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